Private Membership

Join us as we explore the depths of our love, magic and feminine power.

DOORS OPEN 30/12/2024

A private online community created for women who have explored their spiritual path and are now ready to dive even deeper—beyond intellectual understanding and into the embodiment of their divine feminine magic.

Sunlit woman embodying divine feminine energy, symbolizing spiritual awakening and the journey to reconnect with deeper feminine essence and self-love.
Woman dancing freely at sunset, embodying feminine liberation and spiritual awakening, reflecting the journey to reclaim personal power and authentic expression.

In this sacred space...

you are invited to

  • Shed layers of conditioning, trauma, and disconnection that hold you back.

  • Explore your soul’s deepest parts, revealing your magnificence.

  • Reconnect with your feminine wisdom, trusting your intuition and inner knowing.

  • Release emotional and energetic blocks, experiencing deeper peace and aliveness.

  • Heal ancestral patterns, freeing yourself to embody your soul’s gifts.

  • Open to divine love, intimacy, and joy in every area of life.

  • Harmonise your masculine and feminine energies, aligning with your soul’s truth.

  • Transform deep wounds into power, allowing you to love without fear.

  • Find belonging in a sisterhood that honours and supports your journey.

  • To become a vessel for love, sharing it with the world from this embodied place.

Woman immersed in sacred smoke ritual, connecting to divine feminine energy, spiritual cleansing, and the path to inner healing and deep embodiment.

Who this is for...

Aching to Open is for women who:

  • Have already done significant spiritual work but still feel a deep yearning for more intimacy, purpose, and connection with divine love.

  • Feel the ache for more—knowing that despite their spiritual growth, something deeper remains just beyond their reach.

  • Are ready to explore the unconscious layers of trauma, emotional residue, and ancestral patterns that still influence their lives.

  • Want to fully embody their feminine power, harmonise their masculine and feminine energies, and let go of spiritual identity constructs.

  • Desire a supportive, sacred sisterhood to walk alongside them in their continued journey of unlearning, deep self-exploration, and spiritual surrender.

If you resonate with these desires, then you’re in the right place. Aching to Open is your invitation to return to the source of your divine love, power, and truth.

Who is this for...

Aching to Open is for women who:

  • Have already done significant spiritual work but still feel a deep yearning for more intimacy, purpose, and connection with divine love.

  • Feel the ache for more—knowing that despite their spiritual growth, something deeper remains just beyond their reach.

  • Are ready to explore the unconscious layers of trauma, emotional residue, and ancestral patterns that still influence their lives.

  • Want to fully embody their feminine power, harmonise their masculine and feminine energies, and let go of spiritual identity constructs.

  • Desire a supportive, sacred sisterhood to walk alongside them in their continued journey of unlearning, deep self-exploration, and spiritual surrender.


Each month, we’ll explore a new theme designed to support your journey of self-exploration and embodiment. The themes will evolve based on the needs of our community and what arises for each of us in the moment, with the upcoming month’s focus announced during the final week of each cycle.

Exploring Feminine Depths Through…


Expand and deepen your connection to your feminine by harmonising the energies of your mind, heart, and womb. Reconnect with your innate flow, releasing the need for external validation, and rediscover the inner knowing that has always been within you. As you explore the balance between feminine and masculine energies—aligning intuition with action, nurturing with strength—you create space for new insights and deeper alignment with your truth. This journey invites you to attune to your heart and discover what it feels like to live as love in every moment.


Illuminate and explore the hidden aspects of yourself shaped by past conditioning, ancestral patterns, and unresolved trauma. Confronting these shadows creates space for new levels of awareness and liberation. By delving into unprocessed trauma and the emotional weight it carries, and working with ancestral and karmic patterns, you can break free from inherited cycles. Releasing subtle ego attachments allows for new discoveries in your spiritual journey, opening the door to deeper love.


Reawaken your ability to receive and embody love in all its forms, beginning with divine love. As you gently address feelings of unworthiness, fear of intimacy, and the illusion of separation from Source, you open space for deeper connections to unfold. Break free from the belief that you are separate from divine love and explore your inherent worth. By releasing fears around intimacy with the divine, you can experience love in new ways—Inviting more depth and meaning into your relationships with yourself, others, and the divine.


Return to the truth of who you are by embracing your sacred power and aligning with divine love. This journey invites you to release what no longer serves you and step into the fullness of your feminine essence. Reclaim the parts of yourself that have been forgotten or suppressed, and explore what it means to embody your deepest truth. As you reconnect with the source of divine love within, new layers of oneness and wholeness reveal themselves, guiding you into deeper alignment with your sacred magnetism.

Nude woman kneeling in a desert, surrounded by a sacred earth symbol, embodying feminine freedom, spiritual awakening, and deep-rooted connection to nature.

November Theme

Letting Go of the External Search

Cultivate the inner knowing that everything you seek is already within you. Shift your focus from external validation to self-worth and inner trust.

In this month’s exploration, you are invited to release the need to search for answers outside of yourself. Instead, you’ll begin to cultivate deeper self-trust and align with the truth that everything you seek—whether it’s love, worthiness, or belonging—already resides within you. This theme offers a profound opportunity to embrace your feminine magic by reclaiming your own wisdom and letting go of the conditioning that tells you to look for validation and answers externally.

What we’ll explore:

  • Reclaiming Inner Knowing:

    Journey inward to rediscover the innate wisdom that has always been within you. By releasing the need for external validation, you’ll strengthen your trust in yourself, recognising that the truth you seek comes from your own heart, mind, and womb.

  • Shifting from External to Internal Trust:

    Identify and explore the ways in which you’ve relied on external sources for approval or guidance. We’ll dive deep into understanding how societal, familial, or cultural expectations may have shaped these patterns and work on releasing them to restore your self-worth and inner power.

  • Breaking Free from External Patterns:

    We’ll explore the unconscious beliefs that cause you to look outside yourself for affirmation. Through embodiment practices and reflection exercises, you’ll work to dissolve these patterns and learn to listen more closely to your own voice, trusting the wisdom that arises from within.

  • Restoring Balance within:

    By attuning to your feminine and masculine energies, we’ll explore how these dynamics play out in your external search for validation. You’ll learn to bring balance by cultivating self-nurturance, strength, and inner resilience—releasing the need to seek approval or answers from outside sources.

When You Join Today

Here's what's waiting for you:

  • 1 x MOnthly Live Gathering:

Held on the 1st of each month via Zoom, these sessions are centred around our dedicated monthly theme, offering an opportunity to dive deep into the soul-self through exploration of dance, embodiment practices, and ceremony or rituals. All sessions are recorded and available to watch in your own time.

  • deepening practices:

Deepening practices, tools, and reflection exercises are shared each month to guide you further into your personal inquiry. The content is aligned with our monthly themes and is designed to help you integrate these themes into your daily life.

  • 1 x womb wisdom session:

Held on the 14th of each month, our Womb Wisdom sessions begin with a guided meditation aligned with our theme, and then provide space for us to share and connect on how we are and what is moving for us in the monthly exploration. Sessions are recorded for those who cannot attend live.

  • sacred Sisterhood

Engage in heart-centred conversations with fellow women, sharing your journey, challenges, and breakthroughs in a supportive, non-judgmental space. These discussions are intended to deepen your self-awareness and support your exploration and growth.

Primordial Love is our first love, extending from the Source of Creation into every cell of our being and every quality of our soul. It is intimate, playful, sensual, and emotionally intelligent. When we lack true primordial Love, we resist it and feel overwhelmed. But when touched by it, we feel seen, felt, and received at a soul level. This love rewires our physical, neural, and soulful pathways, enabling us to receive love from all sources and trust in loving touch. From this embodied place, we can fully give love to others, passing it forward rather than perpetuating lack and suffering.

ADAPTED From Azra & Serern bertrand, "womb awakening"

devoted mother, spiritual Midwife, Grief Doula, Guide

Hi, I'm Lalena Rose Your Spiritual Midwife & Sacred Passage Guide

I know the deep yearning for love, joy, and a true sense of belonging in your body. Having walked this path myself, I understand the ache for more—more intimacy, more connection, and more aliveness in every aspect of life. As a devoted guide, I created Aching to Open to support you in exploring and expressing your magnificence.

I will walk alongside you, offering fierce, loving guidance as you unravel the layers that keep you from fully embodying your feminine magic and primordial love. Together, we will honour the truth that everything you seek is already within you—it’s time to remember.

Woman engaging in sacred ritual, holding a rose in meditation, symbolizing deep feminine healing, spiritual awakening, and connection to nature.

devoted mother, spiritual Midwife, Grief Doula, & Guide

Hi, I'm Lalena Rose Your Spiritual Midwife & Sacred Passage Guide

I know the deep yearning for love, joy, and a true sense of belonging in your body. Having walked this path myself, I understand the ache for more—more intimacy, more connection, and more aliveness in every aspect of life. As a devoted guide, I created Aching to Open to support you in exploring and expressing your magnificence.

In this sacred community, I will walk alongside you, offering fierce, loving guidance as you unravel the layers that keep you from fully embodying your feminine magic and primordial love. Together, we will honour the truth that

everything you seek is already within you—it’s time to remember.


FREE membership

Aching to Open is free for the first 10 members as we build our community. After that, enjoy special introductory pricing before it increases to the regular rate. Now is the perfect time to join and be part of this sacred journey.

DOORS OPEN 30/12/2024

Ready to embark on this sacred journey?

It’s time to stop searching outside yourself and remember—you are enough, and everything you seek is already within you.