Meet the courageous woman who have worked with me

Discover the stories of women who have journeyed deep within, to reclaim their truth and awaken their feminine magic.

Hands holding sacred herbs for smudging, evoking ritual, feminine embodiment, and spiritual cleansing, set against a warm, mystical forest backdrop.

Embodied Astrology

"Lalena Rose is a true Priestess who embodies integral codes of wisdom, presence, safety, depth, and insight."

From the moment we met over zoom I felt an immense sense of safety and being held. I felt seen. And this assisted me in being able to truly dive into the depths of my process and undress so to speak to the rawness of my experience. I wouldn’t have been able to access such embodied wisdom if it weren’t for the safe container she held. Her energy is so fierce but so gentle, I felt the divine mother holding me as I went through my process accessing deep layers of my energy field and transmuting millennia of collective debris. I was able to access energy in my chart and bring those shadow pieces into higher octaves of love and understanding. What was so profound about this session was the embodied somatic experience that it was. You truly step out of the logical linear mind and dive into the depths of the feminine dimension. This work is so profound and I know the lasting imprint of this session is continuing to unfold in my life. Lalena is the Dragon Rose and carries this frequency so beautifully.

Cherezade Aanya

"To sit in space with Lalena is a sacred journey in itself. I recently had the privilege of being taken through an experiential astrology session. It was powerful and insightful, and a true co-creation. At times my body shook as the energy was so high and divinely intense. It is unlike anything I had experienced before and I am deeply grateful for what Lalena offers in such safe space. I highly recommend if you feel called to step forward. I am sure you shall receive all you need and more."

Rachael Te Wano

"My session with Lalena Rose was nothing short of magical. I had no idea what to expect when entering in. Through this journey with my birth map I received information about myself that felt like the missing link I didn't even know I was longing for. Within the circle I was able to download energetic messages about my path in a very visceral & embodied way. It was emotional, and powerful, and eye opening. But what absolutely made the experience was Lalenas space holding, her deep connection and wisdom on the zodiacs, symbols, planets, and her mystical communion gifts. She is an ancient powerful Priestess, and that shines through throughout the session and beyond. I felt held, seen, loved, and activated all at once in her presence.I highly highly recommend anyone feeling called to Lalena Rose and her sessions, listen to it. You will be so glad you did."

Ellen Rose

"I absolutely loved my session with Lalena, uncovering deep wounds that I felt was there but not able to see was an incredible experience. Lalena has this unique ability to steer you to the exact place where you need to be. She creates such a safe space for you to let go and start your own healing process. It was such an amazing process and completely unique to anything I have ever experienced before. If you know there is something there that needs uncovering, give yourself the opportunity to go there with Lalena, she will hold and guide you there safely. I am so grateful for the insights and healing."

Yolandi Boshoff

"Lalena creates an incredibly beautiful container to experience embodied astrology. With patience, love and immense compassion, I felt safe and held as she guided me through the medicine wheel. The words that came through Lalena during a visualisation towards the end of the ceremony were so profound and helpful to my personal journey, it was such a nourishing way to end this empowering time with her. I am truly grateful to have had this experience and to have connected with Lalena, she feels like an important piece in helping me navigate each rite of passage I go through. Blessings and with deep gratitude."


“When I sat in front of Lalena, I finally felt understood and accepted as I was."

Last year, Lalena was recommended to me by a dear friend to research where Lilith was in my birth chart. There were certain aspects of my personality and my "ways" that I felt were harsh, despite years of healing work, and these often brought challenges to my relationships, particularly with women. Through this "harshness" that I tried so hard to "fix," I was often misunderstood. But when I sat in front of Lalena, I finally felt understood and accepted as I was. I cannot put into words how my journey with Lalena has helped me in so many areas of my life. I learned that I had embodied Lilith at my birth, where she was present, but it was she, in her distorted form, that I had breathed life into. Like Lilith, I too have suffered in exile. Lalena is an absolute must on every woman's path, especially those who have been called by Lilith in this lifetime. She is not only a clear and compassionate mirror but also an excellent astrological guide who doesn't just give you a reading; she gives you the whole book. I am forever grateful to have connected with her and look forward to exploring more of my chart at another time.


"Lalena held a beautiful and safe space for me to dive into the aspect of my chart that was calling for my attention."

This was my first experience with experiential astrology and Lalena held a beautiful and safe space for me to dive into the aspect of my chart that was calling for my attention. This is definitely something I will do again in the future. It was a whole new experience to feel myself in my astrology chart with my body in the center and truly feel which sign and aspect is calling for attention. Everything that came through for me was right on point and the guidance to get there was very well done. I appreciate you Lalena for introducing me to a deeper layer of myself and for holding such a beautiful space for me to do so. Much love!

Alinea Rose

Workshops / Retreats

"The Sacred Sexual Healing & Awakening Workshop was everything. It penetrated the depths of who I thought I was and awakened the sleeping gifts of my shadow."

It allowed me to step ever deeper into the fullness of my potential and my wholeness. It was such a pleasure (literally!) to sit in sacred space with such incredible women, to dive deep... to be held in such sweet reverence and appreciation by Lena. I wish this experience for every single woman on the planet: That she may be witnessed in the beauty of her radiance and power as she plunges deep into the parts of herself she has been too afraid to uncover, emerging as the Divine Goddess that she truly is. To have oneself, in our darkness and in our light, reflected back to us in such sweet intensity, is a gift of the most noble grace. To be held and loved in that experience is a taste of Heaven. Thank you so much.".


birmingham, uk

“Thank you beautiful woman for this most incredible experience! I feel so honoured and blessed to have been a part of it. You held the space with such beautiful, gentle, loving presence and with such respect for each and every one of our Sisters' circle. Making it such a safe space for us to go into these personal and intimate wounds we as women hold individually and on a collective level. I feel such immense joy, power and presence within myself for the incredibly intense and powerful processes I have been through this weekend. I can’t wait to bring this out into my own work with women and womb healing. I can’t wait to experience all of the beautiful channels you have helped me to open up within me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you”


The Netherlands

"Thank you from the depths of my being for the extraordinary journey you expertly guided us through. It was truly transformational. Your dedication and meticulous preparation of the sacred container that held us made each day incredibly special, with every detail noted with gratitude. My first visit to Glastonbury helped me understand its deep significance to what you crafted. The Heart Chakra of Mother Earth embraced us as we nurtured our Inner Child. The Alchemical Marriage of Feminine and Masculine was beautifully represented by the red and white springs. Through water and sound healing, we experienced Inner Union and Rebirth. This subtle yet profound feeling is lasting. I am reminded of my Sovereignty, Truth, and Light—I am a Woman of the Light. Thank you all for witnessing me. Astara is born."



“Thank you, thank you so much for all of the things that words cannot even cover. I am coming out of this weekend with such a deep peace inside me. Such peaceful love for all of creation and myself. Such feelings of nurturing and safety among my Sisters and my Brothers. My heart and my womb may be in sync for the first time. I go out into the world anew, ready to love, serve and heal. I did not know I wasn’t in balance, but now I know that I am. The Sacred Masculine and Feminine Entwined within me, shining out through time and space. I wish for all my Sisters to feel this and experience this.”



“This week, I've encountered true sisterhood. Despite my tendency to believe I don’t "fit in" and fear judgment, this experience helped me confront my inner critic and dissolve judgment. I feel fully embraced, welcomed, loved, and honoured—my heavy heart softened and held. With each passing day, I delved deeper, surrendering to peace, recognising joy, and gaining clarity. Participating in a group retreat to explore AH and joining a women's temple elevated my sacred sexual healing. I feel empowered, connected to my inner priestess, and profoundly grateful. Trusting myself, embracing my presence, and welcoming guides, I radiate with newfound vibration and joy. Experiencing this in Avalon's magical isles feels like a dream—its land, guides, sacred spaces, elements, and energies now woven into me. This initiation is deeply welcomed. Thank you.”


Oxford, UK

“Words cannot describe what I have experienced this week."

I came to the retreat an open book, ready to receive what I needed to receive. And boy, did I receive! I felt stripped raw at times and gently put back together, with loving touch. As soon as I surrendered, things began to make sense. Every day, an ancient, long-forgotten part of me woke up and is still waking. I have been beautifully set up to continue my healing journey. I’m so glad I listened to the call!


Milton Keynes, UK

"I feel privileged and honoured to have gone on such a special journey with you as my teachers, friends, soul sisters, and fellow healers."

The work was delicate, beautiful, and sacred. It was some of the deepest healing work I have done in 16 years of training and working as a healer. It opened my eyes to a deeper dimension of healing. I am deeply appreciative and grateful for all you have taught me and shared and I look forward to walking by your side into the well of deep mystery, healing, and love.


oxford, UK

More of What People Are Saying About Workshops

“How do you put into words the alchemy of a thousand dragons and a fire light Goddess? I don’t know what to say, but I am forever changed. I have come home to myself. I am embodied. I am loved. I am Love. Blessed be Sister. A thousand blessings upon the grace of your light and the power of your dark.”

- Dawn, Wales, UK

“Thank you so deeply Lalena for what has been a most beautiful and magical sacred circle of Sisters, divinely connected and returning to this work together! I have released a lot of emotion this weekend and feel much much more at peace in the moment than I have for a long time. My heart and my soul feel nourished and honoured. Endless blessings.”

- Hettie, Malmesbury, UK

“I came to this workshop not knowing what to expect. The White Spring was amazing! I was blessed to have Oliver apologise to us on behalf of the Masculine and for us to forgive them. That release of anger I had inside was washed away. I am worthy of love. Something I have never felt I deserved. I now know that I am more than worthy of love. It has been a transformation. Thank you! ”

- Anonymous

Sexual Awakening & Healing - Internal

"When Lalena first spoke to me about her healing work and her own profound journey, I felt drawn to deepen my own path. She embodies strength and flow, inspiring courage and openness."

 Approaching the treatment with eagerness, I reflected on my intention: a new cycle at 43, having focused on raising my son for seven years until meeting my twin soul. My body awakened, purging congestion and resistance to be fully present. As the ceremony began, I felt accepted and safe. Each chakra received attention, and I surrendered to the moment, supported by the women present. Witnessed by Lalena, tears flowed, releasing balance and restoration. The session, filled with pure tones and profound healing, shifted something deep within me. It felt like the beginning of a journey back to myself, in all my glory.


bristol, uk

“Utterly profound and life-altering"

My time with Lalena Rose gave me an embodied knowing deep in my bones of how lovable and worthy I truly am. Just for being me. I have a new imprint of my worthiness embedded in my body that’s already changing how I move through the world and what I am calling into my life. This gift is the exact thing I didn’t know I’d been seeking for a very long time. It’s truly priceless and something everyone deserves to experience.


San diego, usa

"Lalena is the most beautiful, caring, and divinely guided soul I have ever been supported by"

She created a safe, sacred space that allowed me to release stagnant energy. Her empathy and deep, complete witnessing of my experience was transformative—one of the most powerful experiences of my life. Lalena was incredibly attuned to me, offering the gift of her pure presence, which was deeply healing. I released so much during our session, creating space to experience pure bliss, an incredible and life-changing experience. It deepened my insight into where I hold energetic blockages and renewed my commitment to regularly addressing them. Words hardly capture how powerful and healing this session was for me. I am forever grateful for this experience.


Uttoxeter, UK

More of What People Are Saying About Internal AH

“The experience I had is hard to put into words. Before seeing Lalena Rose I felt lost and deeply disconnected. I have a newfound sense of trust and inner awareness of myself, which I am excited to keep expanding on. Her depth of Divine love and presence was both moving and heartfelt.”

- Simon, Bristol, UK

“I would like to share my recent experience with Lalena Rose. We had a truly amazing session - I felt relaxed and at ease. Lalena you were superb and I felt in awe of your professionalism to our session. Look forward to the next one. ”

- Siobhan, Bristol, UK

"If every woman could be seen with the reverence and respect offered by this healing, our world would be forever changed. Lalena has a unique ability to convey the divine love specifically meant for the woman she is with, seeing deep into the essence or soul inside. This experience, culminating in painless, beautiful intercourse, has become one of the most significant moments of my life.,"

- Rachelle, Arizona, USA

Sexual Awakening & Healing - Clothed

"I’ve felt drawn to sexual healing for a while now, but had a huge amount of fear around this and despite looking up several practitioners, I couldn’t find anyone that seemed appropriate."

Lalena was incredibly understanding and respectful of my fears prior to and during my first session. I’ve now had two sessions with Lalena, both were very different in terms of the emotions I experienced, however, I felt very safe and supported at all times and will definitely be back for more sessions as I continue my healing journey

- Sophie, Stroud, UK

More of What People Are Saying About Clothed AH

“Such a beautiful, deep and profound experience, Lalena created the perfect safe space and enabled deep healing on a new level for me. I can’t thank you enough!”

- Stephanie, Chepstow, UK

“With my sexual trauma as a child, I have always used sex as an object. My body's natural response to sex and sexuality has been fight or flight. This work has opened so many doors for me. I am finding my voice, that I still sometimes surprise myself with. I’m taking more charge of my sexual feelings and I’m acknowledging myself.”

- Bern, Milton Keynes, UK

“Thank you so much for such an enlightening experience. I can feel a magical shift in myself already. You were so in tune with what my body needed.”

- Charlotte, Bristol,UK

Remote Healing Sessions

"Lalena created a sacred space filled with unfaltering reverence and love"

allowing me to explore incredible new depths of Self. I felt fully seen, heard, respected, and safe, free to experience whatever arose—a great deal indeed. Having experienced and facilitated many profound healing experiences over the past decade, none reached the depths like Lalena's work. I was surprised by what surfaced for healing in my session, and the impact was immediate, notably enhancing the intimacy in my relationship and opening me to my partner in unexpected ways. The healing was primarily for myself, yet it profoundly affected my intimacy with my beloved. Lalena is a gifted and powerful healer; her facilitation was truly life-altering. In deepest gratitude, dear Sister. xx


The Netherlands

"Working with Lalena Rose was both easeful and powerful."

Her ability to see, accept and hold space for the tender aspects of my interaction, staying present to what I needed in the moment shaped the session differently to what I thought I needed while paying attention to what my body needed. The session enabled a cycle of healing that took a few weeks to complete and integrate, which Lalena supported me through. As I write this three weeks since I had the distance session I am able to make mental sense of what transpired energetically. Thank you, Lalena Rose, for your deep ability to stay present and create a space space for what is.



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