hello beautiful soul!

I believe the way home to your deepest love and boldest power is within you. It’s time to remember—you are your own greatest healer.

Woman in forest drumming for deep feminine exploration, connecting with nature’s wisdom and embodying sacred healing rituals.

Dearest Sister,

Welcome! I’m truly honoured that you’re considering this journey with me.

I know you are a woman who has already evolved greatly on your spiritual journey. You’ve done the work, and deep within, you know you are here for something extraordinary. But the path ahead is not about doing more—it’s about letting go, unlearning, and fully embracing the wisdom that already resides within you. You are doing this work now, even if it doesn’t always feel clear. You’re finding your voice, freeing your spirit, and this is your journey back to your holiness.

The answers you seek won’t be found in others or external circumstances. The peace, clarity, and sense of belonging you crave will only come from reconnecting with the divine—God, Goddess, Source—within you. The deeper truth is that the love you’ve been searching for has always been inside, waiting for you to turn inward.

I am honoured to walk alongside you on this journey, guiding you as you remember, reclaim, and embody the love and power that have always been yours. If you feel ready to explore this path together, please fill out an application, and let’s begin.

With deep love and reverence,

Lalena Rose

Woman with hand on heart, embodying sacred feminine wisdom, deep self-exploration, and spiritual awakening for authentic empowerment.
Nude woman curled in a nest with broken eggshells, symbolizing rebirth, sacred feminine awakening, and deep spiritual transformation.


Recognising that your journey extends far beyond this lifetime, I am committed to bridging the gaps perceived by the mind, offering support that honours your unique needs and acknowledges the depth of your struggles. Through this sacred work, you are empowered to discover your inner midwife—a symbol of your innate wisdom and gifts—and to reclaim your personal power. This journey is not just about transformation; it is about coming home to yourself and embodying the love that will guide both you and the world back into balance.

You don't have to do this alone


Recognising that your journey extends far beyond this lifetime, I am committed to bridging the gaps perceived by the mind, offering support that respects your unique needs and the depth of your struggles. Through this sacred work, you are empowered to discover your inner midwife—a symbol of your innate wisdom and gifts—and to reclaim your personal power. This journey is not just about transformation; it is about coming home to yourself and embodying the love that will guide both you and the world back into balance.

You don't have to do this alone.

Beloved Woman, How Would It Feel To…

  • Cultivate a sense of wholeness and connection, knowing that the love and wisdom you seek have always been within you?

  • Heal the illusion of separation in your life, Creating meaningful, intimate connections rooted in love, free from old patterns of disconnection or codependency?

  • Let go of the ego’s attachment to spiritual identity, moving beyond labels and identities to surrender fully to the pure experience of being.

  • Reclaim your feminine cycles and awaken your womb, integrating the wisdom from your spiritual journey into your relationships and daily life.

  • Heal the deep trauma stored in your body, allowing your nervous system to relax, creating space for a greater sense of aliveness and embodiment.

  • Break free from ancestral and karmic patterns

    that have kept you repeating cycles of suffering, transmuting them into soul gifts.

  • Live as the embodiment of love, fully connected to your feminine magic and power, feeling deeply alive and purposeful.

  • Experience profound intimacy, not only in your relationships but with yourself and the Divine, allowing your connections to flourish from this deeper alignment.

  • Feel sexually alive, passionate, and creative, fully embodying and celebrating your lifeforce, feminine magnetism and sensuality.

  • Release feelings of unworthiness, shedding the belief that you are unlovable or too much, reclaiming your inherent worth.

Woman with drum in a forest setting, embodying sacred feminine energy and deep self-exploration for spiritual awakening and personal transformation.

does this resonate?

Let's explore your next steps

Schedule a free 15min call with me to find out how you can start your journey.

Session Options

single session // $111 - £333

One 90-minute session.

No application needed—simply book here if you’re ready to dive in.

1 month container // $800 per month

Four 90-minute sessions.

Our sessions will be scheduled weekly. - Apply

3 month container // $777 per month

Twelve 90-minute sessions.

Our sessions will be scheduled weekly. - Apply

Are you ready

to be here now, as LOVE?

"A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for your while you awaken your inner healer"

~ Maryam hasnaa

"A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for your while you awaken your inner healer"

~ Maryam hasnaa

I'm all about

feeling whole and vital,


sexual aliveness,


deep embodiment,

safer spaces,

living and breathing as primordial love,

umbilically connected mother consciousness.

I'm not a fan of

the man made artificial placenta,

living in fear and separation,

superficial spirituality,

settling for surface-level living,

playing small,

being enslaved to fear based consciousness.

Common Questions About Our Sacred Work Together

1. What can I expect from our sacred sessions together?

In our sessions, you can expect a deeply nurturing and intuitive experience designed to meet you where you are on your journey. Together, we’ll explore the deeper layers of your soul’s wisdom, diving into practices that resonate with your unique needs and the path you’ve already walked. This is not about adding more tools but about unlearning, reconnecting with your inner wisdom, and shedding what no longer serves you. Our sacred space honours your individual truth, allowing you to fully express yourself and embody your feminine power and love.

2. How are our sessions tailored to my unique needs? 

Each session is intuitively guided to honour where you are on your journey. We’ll respond to what naturally arises, holding space for the layers you’re ready to explore and unlearn. Your personal experiences, intentions, and desires shape our work together, ensuring that the practices and insights align with your deeper self-exploration and the reclamation of your feminine magic.

3. What are some of the themes we could explore together?

Some themes we may explore together include...

Healing the Ache of Disconnection:

Explore the deeper yearning for connection—whether with yourself, the divine, or in your relationships—and heal the disconnection that keeps you from fully experiencing love and intimacy.

Rediscovering Your Innate Feminine Wisdom:

Connect with the deep wisdom already within you, reclaiming your feminine magic to guide your life with clarity and power.

Navigating Spiritual Fatigue:

Address the exhaustion that comes from constant searching and spiritual work, finding renewal by reconnecting with your innate wisdom and personal power.

Releasing Old Patterns:

Free yourself from the conditioning and beliefs that have kept you in old cycles, allowing you to step into a life that feels aligned and authentic.

Healing Gestational and Early Trauma:

Release the trauma carried from conception, early life, or gestation, allowing you to fully embrace your feminine power and show up fully in your life and relationships.

Healing Relational Struggles:

Explore the roots of disconnection in your relationships and learn how to cultivate deeper, more meaningful intimacy—starting from within.

Reclaiming Your Feminine Sexuality:

Heal past wounds and cultivate a deeper, more loving relationship with your body and your sexuality, experiencing pleasure and intimacy in new, empowering ways.

Embracing Your Authentic Expression:

Reconnect with the parts of yourself that have been hidden or suppressed, stepping fully into your truth and embracing your boldest power.

Awakening Deeper Love and Connection:

Journey into a new level of embodied love, reconnecting with yourself and others in ways that are nourishing, authentic, and expansive.

Embodying Aliveness and Purpose:

Step into a state of vibrant aliveness, feeling fully embodied in your feminine power, and aligned with your soul’s mission in the world.

Unlocking Your Soul’s Mission:

Clarify your path and align with your true purpose, guided by the deeper wisdom of your soul and feminine essence.

Cultivating Courage and Resilience:

Develop the courage to take empowered risks, embrace change, and make bold choices that align with your heart and soul.

Transforming Grief and Loss:

Honour the grief or losses you’ve experienced, transforming them into a wellspring of wisdom, strength, and compassion.

Living in Alignment with Your Feminine Power:

Experience the freedom of living in alignment with your feminine essence, fully embodying your truth, love, and power.

Living as Love:

Reclaim your innate connection to divine love, embodying this truth in every aspect of your life—experiencing greater intimacy, purpose, and alignment.

4. What practices might we explore during our time together? 

Our sessions may include a range of practices, such as somatic techniques, movement, breathwork, sound, intentional touch, and sacred rituals. These are designed to help you reconnect with your feminine power, release any remaining layers of trauma, and access your creative and sexual energy. We may also work with guided meditations and intuitive insights to deepen your connection with your heart, soul, and inner wisdom.

5. What are "Safer" Spaces

There is no such thing as a completely “safe” space. Life naturally includes challenges, discomfort, and uncertainty. Acknowledging this truth, I focus on creating safer spaces—environments that honour the individual experiences of those stepping into this work.

In these spaces, there is room for everything you bring—whether joy, discomfort, or vulnerability. Together, we hold space for your concerns, your emotions, and your needs, supporting you in finding resolution, even if temporarily. The goal isn’t perfection but creating a container where your experiences are met with respect and presence.

A safer space allows for deeper exploration than what is often available in the outside world. Here, we blend spiritual midwifery, grief work, soul guidance, and somatic practices to foster an environment where you can express yourself fully, without judgment. While there are no guarantees, you are supported through whatever arises, with a commitment to stay present with you as you navigate the complexities of your journey.

6. How does Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing™ fit into our sessions? 

As a certified facilitator of Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing™, I integrate this approach when appropriate. This practice supports the reclamation of your creative and sexual energy, allowing you to reconnect with your body’s wisdom and embrace your feminine magic. Through this work, you may experience a deeper sense of vitality, well-being, and alignment with your true essence

7. What role does Shadow Work Integration play in our sessions? 

Shadow Work Integration is a vital aspect of our sessions, not by adding more spiritual practices, but by helping you explore the deeper parts of yourself and unlearn what no longer serves you. Our work together is centred around rediscovering the innate wisdom already within you, using approaches like Embodied Astrology and Primal Feminine Dance as pathways to deeper self-exploration.

Embodied Astrology supports you in reconnecting with the archetypes and symbols already present within your birth chart. These archetypes act as mirrors, allowing us to explore hidden or repressed parts of yourself that are asking to be seen and transformed. Primal Feminine Dance is another powerful tool, using movement, breath, and sound to help you access unconscious layers of your being and reconnect with the parts of yourself that have been wounded or forgotten.

Both approaches honour the body’s wisdom, not as external practices to learn, but as ways to help you release and integrate emotions and beliefs that have been holding you back. We allow the magic of your own healing process to unfold naturally, incorporating gentle tools like Voice Dialogue and guided meditations to support this process where necessary.

This work isn’t about learning more or adding new techniques—it’s about peeling back the layers of conditioning, unlearning what no longer serves you, and reconnecting with the truth of who you already are. As we journey together, your body’s wisdom will lead the way, revealing what has yet to be integrated. This path opens the door for you to live more fully in the present, grounded in the transformative power that already resides within you.

8. How does Divine Love Embodiment support my journey?

Divine Love Embodiment is at the heart of our work together and is woven through all themes and practices. Guided by the ancient frequency of primordial love, you are invited to soften into the present moment, accessing your heart’s wisdom and opening the doorway to the transformative power of the love that lives deeply within you. This sacred connection nurtures your inner self, guiding you toward healing and wholeness.

By embracing this love, you deepen your trust in yourself, remember that you are never separate, and align more fully with your true essence, unlocking the infinite potential within you.

9. What should I do to prepare for our sessions? 

To prepare for our sessions, simply come with an open heart and a willingness to explore. Reflect on any areas of your life or aspects of yourself that you feel drawn to focus on. It’s helpful to set an intention for our time together, though we’ll revisit and adjust it as needed throughout the session.

10. How will our sessions help me connect with my inner wisdom and feminine magic?

In the spaces I create, you’ll explore the parts of yourself that have been yearning for deeper connection. Together, we will heal the trauma and disconnection that have kept you from fully embodying your feminine power. Through Sacred Feminine Arts, Embodied Shadow Work, and Divine Love Embodiment, we will journey through the unlearning, the reclamation, and the remembering of who you truly are—a woman who lives and breathes as love, connected to the divine and experiencing deeper intimacy in every aspect of life.

11. I’ve experienced childhood or sexual trauma in my past. Is this work a safe space for me?

This work is designed to be supportive and empowering, especially for those with a history of trauma. My approach is trauma-informed and rooted in creating a nurturing, safe environment where you can feel comfortable exploring and healing. We will proceed with sensitivity and respect, allowing you to move at your own pace.

However, it's important to note that while I bring a wealth of experience and specialised training to our sessions, I am not a licensed mental health counsellor. If you are currently experiencing trauma symptoms or if past trauma is triggered during our work together, I strongly recommend working with a mental health professional who specialises in trauma before and/or alongside participating in these sessions.

In our sessions, we’ll focus on using techniques that honour your boundaries and facilitate healing, including Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing™, which is specifically designed to address and transform past traumas. I also  incorporate a range of other tools and practices to help you reclaim your power and integrate your experiences with compassion and care.

In your application, if you indicate a history of trauma, I may request that you consult with your mental health counsellor to ensure that our work together is aligned with your current needs and readiness. The session  application and connection call are designed to explore whether this program is the most appropriate step for you at this time, considering your unique situation and resources.

Your well-being is a priority, and I am committed to providing a safe space where you can explore your healing journey in a way that feels right for you. If at any point you have concerns or need adjustments, please let me know so we can ensure that our work together remains supportive and aligned with your needs.

Lalena Rose is a true Priestess who embodies integral codes of wisdom, presence, safety, depth, and insight.

From the moment we met over zoom I felt an immense sense of safety and being held. I felt seen. And this assisted me in being able to truly dive into the depths of my process and undress so to speak to the rawness of my experience. I wouldn’t have been able to access such embodied wisdom if it weren’t for the safe container she held. Her energy is so fierce but so gentle, I felt the divine mother holding me as I went through my process accessing deep layers of my energy field and transmuting millennia of collective debris. I was able to access energy in my chart and bring those shadow pieces into higher octaves of love and understanding. What was so profound about this session was the embodied somatic experience that it was. You truly step out of the logical linear mind and dive into the depths of the feminine dimension. This work is so profound and I know the lasting imprint of this session is continuing to unfold in my life. Lalena is the Dragon Rose and carries this frequency so beautifully.

Woman standing in the ocean at sunset, embracing feminine embodiment and spiritual connection, symbolizing sacred self-exploration and awakening.

Lalena Rose is a true Priestess who embodies integral codes of wisdom, presence, safety, depth, and insight.

From the moment we met over zoom I felt an immense sense of safety and being held. I felt seen. And this assisted me in being able to truly dive into the depths of my process and undress so to speak to the rawness of my experience. I wouldn’t have been able to access such embodied wisdom if it weren’t for the safe container she held. Her energy is so fierce but so gentle, I felt the divine mother holding me as I went through my process accessing deep layers of my energy field and transmuting millennia of collective debris. I was able to access energy in my chart and bring those shadow pieces into higher octaves of love and understanding. What was so profound about this session was the embodied somatic experience that it was. You truly step out of the logical linear mind and dive into the depths of the feminine dimension. This work is so profound and I know the lasting imprint of this session is continuing to unfold in my life. Lalena is the Dragon Rose and carries this frequency so beautifully.

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