there is a beauty in our forgetfulness

For beyond the veil lies the gift of our remembrance

In 2015, after a major health crisis followed by a diagnosis of cervical cancer, Lalena embarked on a profound journey to awaken her inner midwife and rebuild her life from the ground up. This marked the beginning of her path through the deep sacred feminine mysteries. She followed her intuition, traveling the world for training and self-initiation in Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing, Primal Therapeutic Experiential Astrology, Inner Alchemy, Dance Medicine, the Priestess Path, Sacred Site Journeys, Kundalini Yoga, Shamanic Healing, and more. This is her story...

Mother with five sons outdoors, evoking themes of family, nurturing, and connection to nature, symbolizing the sacred feminine’s role in motherhood.

Where it all began...

Becoming a mother has been the most profound and transformative experience of my life. The journey began in 2009 with the birth of my eldest son, Luke. His arrival was not just a personal milestone but a profound turning point. Struggling with drug addiction and consumed by fear, his birth was a catalyst that drew me back to my own sacred existence. It was at this pivotal crossroads between life and death that I made the life-altering decision to nurture and bring him into the world, marking the beginning of my personal rebirth.

The journey intensified dramatically with the unexpected natural pregnancy of quadruplets two years later. This whirlwind of uncertainty brought a relentless commitment to their safe delivery, despite medical risks and specialists advising me to reconsider my pregnancy. A higher force—or inner voice—assured me that all would be well, guiding me through the enormity of my decision as I faced labour at only 23 weeks. This challenging period, saw me hospitalised for 7 weeks and became a profound test of faith. The arrival of Reuben, Zachary, Joshua, and Samuel on February 29th at 29 weeks was nothing short of a miracle. Witnessing their first breaths and feeling their tiny feet reminded me of the deep, intrinsic power within us all—a sacred seed that awakens us to our higher selves.

My sacred remembrance

Four years after the birth of my quadruplets, I found myself at a critical juncture, overwhelmed with confusion and chronic health issues. The harsh reality of my deteriorating health forced me to make a choice: surrender to the prescribed narrative of my life or seek an alternative path. Until then, I had never considered anything beyond the scripted experience I believed was my life. I was unaware that addressing root causes rather than superficial solutions could control my health AND manifest my dreams.

In January 2016, facing a diagnosis of cancerous cells in my womb and a recommendation for a hysterectomy, I heard a familiar inner voice, much like the one during my pregnancy. It was a clear and guiding force, urging me to explore alternative healing methods and to reconnect with my body’s innate wisdom. Declining the medical intervention, I embarked on a profound journey of holistic and spiritual transformation. This period was marked by an accelerated path of healing and remembrance, leading me to explore new concepts and practices that once seemed 'far out'. Immersing myself in these practices, I connected deeply with my body, heart, and soul, and learned to care for and love myself in transformative ways.

Simultaneously, my marriage ended as our paths diverged. Acknowledging my healing journey while my partner chose a different road required immense courage. Surrendering the outcome of our marriage to the Divine allowed me to trust in my ability to raise my five boys and to prioritise my own well-being.

Woman with hands on heart, wrapped in teal shawl, embodying sacred feminine essence, yearning for deeper connection, healing, and divine love
Woman lying on grass, holding pink roses over her womb, symbolizing feminine healing, sacred embodiment, and deep connection to divine love.

The all clear

During this pivotal time, I was introduced to a remarkable teacher through a podcast specialising in feminine reclamation and rewilding. Feeling an undeniable call to dive deeper, I explored various spiritual and healing practices, including shamanic, esoteric, and tantric traditions, immersing myself in Goddess work. This journey led me to travel from the UK to Colorado, where I joined a community of courageous women engaged in sacred women’s work, profoundly shifting the course of my life.

Through my dedication to peeling back the layers of pain, distortion and conditioning, and reconnecting with my innate body wisdom, I received a miraculous all-clear diagnosis—my cancerous cells had vanished within just six months! This profound initiation into my Divine Feminine essence revealed that the power I sought had always been within me. Embracing and honouring my feminine wisdom, despite past repression, allowed me to emerge freer and more aligned with my true self

Enter the Priestess

My continued exploration of the Sacred Feminine led me to become deeply curious about my sexuality. Through a series of synchronicities, I discovered Amrita Grace and the Sacred Feminine Mystery School. Inspired by the teachings, I traveled to North Carolina to join the first cohort of Spiritual Sexual Educators. I knew within every cell of my being that I needed to embark on this certification journey, aspiring to guide and support others who, like me, had faced traumas and challenges around sexuality.

Through Amrita’s teachings, I integrated my past with my evolving identity as an empowered healer. The certification process was more than education; it was a profound revelation of sacred feminine mysteries, connecting my personal journey with universal truths. I awakened to an embodied understanding that true acceptance and validation must emanate from within, not be sought in the arms of others. Facing and healing the complexities of my sexual identity led to profound growth and the reclamation of my sovereign sexual self

Two women in red gowns, symbolising sisterhood, sacred feminine connection, and shared spiritual journey, standing in a garden setting with greenery.
Woman standing in narrow canyon, symbolizing deep self-exploration, sacred feminine journey, and connection to nature’s transformative power.

The initiation continues…

For over a year, I immersed myself in Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing, offering workshops and in-person sessions. The response was profound, and the transformations I witnessed confirmed the power of sexual energy as a force for healing and creative abundance. My training had prepared me to embrace the theoretical aspects of sexuality, but it was in the practice—guiding individuals through unlocking their sexual energy and dismantling blocks—that these theories truly came alive.

The pandemic in early 2020 drew me into a cocoon of introspection. Homeschooling my boys and navigating the global crisis took a toll on me, plunging me into a deep, dark night of the soul. Despite the challenges, working with Daniel Sowleu through Primal Experiential Therapeutic Astrology brought profound shifts. This work became a guiding light, leading me out of darkness and reinforcing my mission of sexual healing and empowerment.

In 2021, I embarked on a year-long certification program with Daniel, completing it with renewed purpose and global outreach. As the world reopened, I continued to share my work through workshops and private sessions, connecting with clients worldwide.

Coming Home

In 2022, the universe brought forth the incredible presence of my beloved, who gracefully stepped into my world, embracing the wild and magical journey of raising my five boys.

Together, we envisioned a life in harmony with the earth, surrounded by love and freedom. Our dream was to create a nurturing space for ourselves and others, reflecting our shared vision.

Our search for this vision led us back to my homelands of South Africa, where, for the past year, we have lived in the Tsitsikamma forest on a wild African adventure. Our time here will soon be coming to an end, filled with deep learnings, newfound clarity, and truth. This experience has opened the door in the most magnificent way to coming home to the Wild, Wise Feminine Within. The Goddess has a magical way of guiding you to exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there, to learn what you need to learn. I’ve realized that coming home isn’t about finding a place outside of ourselves; it’s about discovering that home is always within.

Couple in red and blue attire during a handfasting ceremony, symbolizing sacred union, divine love, and the celebration of spiritual commitment.

If you would like to read my full unedited story you can do so HERE

My Journey

A Timeline of Transformation

  • 2009: A New Beginning

    The birth of my eldest son, was a profound turning point in my life. His arrival marked the beginning of my personal rebirth, drawing me back to my sacred existence and laying the foundation for my journey of self-discovery.

  • 2011-2012: Embracing the Miracle
    Faced with a high-risk pregnancy with quadruplets, I chose to trust my inner voice and navigate this challenging path. Giving birth to them at just 29 weeks was a miraculous event that deepened my connection to my inner wisdom.

  • 2016: A Crucial Crossroad
    Diagnosed with cancerous cells and advised to have a hysterectomy, I made the choice to explore alternative healing methods. This decision led me on a profound journey of holistic and spiritual transformation, reconnecting me with my body’s innate wisdom and gifts.

  • 2017: Rewilding & Goddess Work

    During this period, I was introduced to the powerful practices of rewilding and Goddess work through a transformative experience in Colorado. This exploration of feminine reclamation and sacred practices profoundly shifted my understanding and redirected the course of my life.

  • 2017-2019: Feminine Mysteries Unveiled

    I embarked on a deeper journey with Amrita Grace and the Sacred Feminine Mystery School, completing a certification in Sacred Sexual Awakening and Healing. Integrating these sacred mysteries into my life, I began guiding others through workshops and private sessions, awakening them to their own sacred feminine power.

  • 2020: Navigating Darkness
    The pandemic presented unique challenges as I balanced homeschooling with navigating a world in crisis. My work with Daniel Sowelu in Primal Experiential Therapeutic Astrology became a guiding light through this turbulent time, reinforcing my mission of feminine healing and empowerment.

  • 2021: Certification and Global Reach
    Completing a year-long certification program with Daniel, I expanded my business globally and continued to share my work through workshops and private sessions, connecting with clients worldwide and deepening my impact.

  • 2022: A New Partnership

    In 2022, my beloved joined my journey, and together we envisioned a life in harmony with the earth and each other, marking shift in my work, commitment and a new chapter of shared dreams and aspirations.

  • 2023: A New Home
    Our search for home led us to Kuthumba, an eco-village in the Tsitsikamma forest, South Africa. Relocating here in late 2023 marked a new beginning—a journey filled with growth, challenges, and love,

  • 2024: Continued Growth
    Currently immersed in a Fundamentals of Embodied Facilitation Certification. After a year-long African adventure, we are being led to new lands, enriched with a profound sense of clarity and inner wisdom, and deeper understanding of what home truly means .

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.


Marianne Williamson

Are you ready?

I invite you to connect with your own innate wisdom and reclaim your true self.

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