classical painting depicts a knight in dark armour embracing a woman with long red hair in a flowing white gown, surrounded by a mystical forest with falling petals.

Alchemising Soul Wounds

February 07, 20253 min read

man and woman hugging

Image: Persephone & Hades “artist unknown’

We spoke only truth to each other, confessed all our darkest secrets, all our inadequacies, all our deepest fears. We said the things we dreaded to say, things we had never told anyone else before, the things that would make us look needy, stupid, weak, unworthy, petty, pathetic. We offered up our shadows to each other, braving our deepest fears that we would be rejected, abandoned, scorned, shamed. We made love every day, we wept, howled, keened, and felt how our emotional wounds had embedded in our sexuality, how every bad experience was etched there like a record of debt. We made love gently with sacred intent, we made love passionately with pleasured abandon, we made love like wild creatures who had thrown off their human disguise and were free. We communed with Source, we embraced the earth, we went to places beyond this world. And in every moment we kept choosing love, no matter how hard it felt, no matter how emotionally dangerous it had become. We kept trusting love. Then one day, we popped. We made love and finally surrendered to the vast embrace of the Cosmic Womb’s velvet darkness, catalysing a profound dimensional shift in our consciousness. ~ WOMB AWAKENING

I have been in such a reflective space this week, predominantly contemplating relationships. The way they have weaved in and out of my life, the initiations they brought with them. As conscious as I thought I was at the time, as open and as ‘healed’, I entered into these spaces. There was always room for more... more passion,  more rawness, more truth, more honesty, more pain, more dissolution.  I see just how The Dark Mother manifested them into my life for pure purpose. To draw me into the murky waters, to purify the threads, to allow the frightened little girl a chance to at last be fully seen. Giving her the space to grieve and heal.

The gift of allowing her to stand on her own two feet. Instead of jumping into protection mode and being the victim. I now have the opportunity of being fully present with her when she shows up... because she still does. Gifting her the space to have her voice, to make me aware of her deepest secrets and shadows. Then with love, offering me the permission to integrate her back into the wholeness of self.

The quote above found its way to me as I sat in this still space of gratitude. My whole body softens in the bliss, the agony and realness of this expression of love in intimate relationship. The most profound respect, honouring and safety.

In truth, I thrive on raw, primal passion. I am moved to my knees in admiration for my partner’s depth and vulnerability. I welcome the spaces in relationships that others may fear to tread. It activates a part of me that is untouched, untamed and forever in the moment of ultimate presence and surrender.

I welcome this love now




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Lalena is a devoted guide in the realms of spiritual midwifery, grief doulaing, and soul guidance, with a focus on dark feminine reclamation, embodied shadow work, sacred sexual healing and awakening, soul rebirth, and polarity integration. Her expertise has been shaped by her personal journey, which she was initiated into in 2012. In 2017, as she navigated the depths of her challenges, she felt the divine begin to flow through her in the form of poetry and prose. These writings are a reflection of her soul and its experiences.

Lalena Rose

Lalena is a devoted guide in the realms of spiritual midwifery, grief doulaing, and soul guidance, with a focus on dark feminine reclamation, embodied shadow work, sacred sexual healing and awakening, soul rebirth, and polarity integration. Her expertise has been shaped by her personal journey, which she was initiated into in 2012. In 2017, as she navigated the depths of her challenges, she felt the divine begin to flow through her in the form of poetry and prose. These writings are a reflection of her soul and its experiences.

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