Spiritual artwork depicting a woman in a heart-opening yoga pose, merging with cosmic energy, symbolizing deep connection to the universe and divine love. The image features intricate sacred geometry, a human heart, and a galaxy background, representing the journey of awakening, soul alignment, and embodying the sacred feminine essence

Her Time Is Now

March 07, 20181 min read

With Clarity and Vitality, She Embraces Her Oneness, Surrendering Daily to the Unseen Force That Flows Through Everything, Opening Her Heart to the Interconnected Web of Life and Embodying Fearless Love and Service.

women lying on her back with her heart radiating to the heavens

Artist: Cosmic Collage

Her breath is clear
Her body feels alive
Her yoni vibrates with life

The fog has lifted
The dawn has come

She waits for her message

Each day she surrenders her vessel
Each day she gifts her life in service to that which she cannot see but that flows through every crevice, every vein

She knows her place
Within it all


She sees the web
Fractals of light connecting everything and everyone

She opens her heart in ways she once couldn’t even comprehend

She makes love to the sky, the soil, the water and the air
Her eternal flame burns brightly

So many emotions pour through her as she feels the depths to which she is held and nourished

Her time is now

There is no fear




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Lalena is a devoted guide in the realms of spiritual midwifery, grief doulaing, and soul guidance, with a focus on dark feminine reclamation, embodied shadow work, sacred sexual healing and awakening, soul rebirth, and polarity integration. Her expertise has been shaped by her personal journey, which she was initiated into in 2012. In 2017, as she navigated the depths of her challenges, she felt the divine begin to flow through her in the form of poetry and prose. These writings are a reflection of her soul and its experiences.

Lalena Rose

Lalena is a devoted guide in the realms of spiritual midwifery, grief doulaing, and soul guidance, with a focus on dark feminine reclamation, embodied shadow work, sacred sexual healing and awakening, soul rebirth, and polarity integration. Her expertise has been shaped by her personal journey, which she was initiated into in 2012. In 2017, as she navigated the depths of her challenges, she felt the divine begin to flow through her in the form of poetry and prose. These writings are a reflection of her soul and its experiences.

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